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  • Universe City Podcast

    Posted on March 19, 2015 | jozimmerman

    Just a quick podcast update.  Universe City is continuing to be a lot of fun to record, and it’s starting to pick up momentum in…>>

  • Universe City Podcast Episode 4

    Posted on November 11, 2014 | jozimmerman

    Episode 4 is up!  A study found cities with higher male to female ratios had higher amounts of debt, Raj, Jono & I discuss.

  • Universe City Podcast debuts today!

    Posted on November 04, 2014 | jozimmerman

    Alriiiight! My new comedy/science podcast with co-host comedian/scientists Jono Zalay & Raj Sivaraman is now up on i-Tunes.  We take an interesting topic in science…>>

  • “Smiling at Wolves” at #9 on the Charts

    Posted on January 29, 2014 | jozimmerman

    Pleasantly surprised to see “Smiling at Wolves” sitting at number 9 on the comedy charts on day two. I’m taking screenshots for posterity, like a…>>

  • “Smiling at Wolves” CD release today!

    Posted on January 28, 2014 | jozimmerman

    My debut solo album (and future 2014 Grammy winning album) “Smiling at Wolves” came out today on i-Tunes with New Wave Records (also available on…>>